Modern world hacking

This week’s blog topic is going to be a reflection and a description of the applicability of the modern hacking ideals. It was really interesting to read, that there was hacking even before computers even existed.

There was a part about the birth of hacking/linux culture, that described the important inventions until today. However, I would like to talk about ethics their applicability.

Let’s see the hacker ethics of the early days and the ones in the new world.
Early days of hacking;
1. Access to computers
I agree it must be unlimited until it teaches you something. Breaching things can be extremely useful, both for the intruder and the victim. It is how security develops. Of course, accessing and notifying the victim is one thing and breaching and stealing data is another thing. The last should be always illegal, but how should we know what is happening in the background?

2. All information should be free.
Information should be free. IT information especially, products, everything. However, if all information is available then possible to reverse engineer everything. There would not be security in the world.

3. Mistrust authority
I can not argue with a single word of this, but we all know authority will come even if we don’t trust them.

4. Hackers should be judged by their hacking
I think as in anything, work/hobby must not have colour, race, gender, social position.
Fortunately, the world is changing and these mentioned things are taking less and less part at distinction. On the other hand, the position should mean something. In security, I believe people must respect upper positions.

5. You can create art and beauty on a computer.
Not just you can, but if you have the knowledge to create something beautiful, it is a sin to be lazy and not to do it! Every people has the responsibility to do something innovative at their best capabilities.

6. Computers can change your life for the better
I definitely agree, there are some people that I cannot even imagine to be anything else than an IT guy.
Probably there were still smart and introverted people in the whole world. What did they do that time?
Computers not just change but save many lives.

The new world of hacking;


Hackers of course must have passion, but it is true for everything. How awesome would it be for these passioned guys to make “Access to computers” to be legal? Nowadays, to explore and be passionate is dangerous, you can get caught easily.


Freedom always comes up and I think it is kinda a mix of the first and second points of the hacker ethic early years. With unlimited and free knowledge, legally accessed computers a hacker can be free.


It is true, that people often forgot to keep the balance between work and enjoying life.
In my opinion, there are these four things. Healthiness, family, work and social life.
If you want to be good at something, you have to take less time for 1. If you want to be excellent in something, you must take less time for at least 2. So in my opinion, stopping an enjoying time while we have all 4 mentioned happy factors in our life is a good idea.


Nowadays sooo many things are being invented. Without creativity it is really hard to find out place in the modern world, and sooner or later we will be just robots without creativity.


Hope you enjoyed my blog this week!
See you next week.


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