IT Pro


IT Pro

During the years, being an IT Pro became much easier, because of the tools and resources.
I don’t have that much knowledge about what was going on 20 years ago, so I can only guess and compare that guess with nowadays, however, I didn’t meet with many IT Pro’s, so I can’t be sure about it either.

In my eyes, the IT Pro is someone who is prepared for everything or at least try their best. It will always have a plan B and will respond fast. It is why, an IT Pro must have great problem-solving skills, which means it knows where to look for help, how to read a document and how to implement these things to solve the problem. Really important, that an IT Pro must be helpful because it is how a company will get more IT Pros one day and that will split the work in the future. An IT Pro should be respectful for the field and with other’s work, while eager to study new things day by day motivated by its passion. To do all these things requires great time management. Something that can only be gained after years of practice.

However, I think companies look for something else. Especially in my country, where criteria’s in the IT field are ridiculous. In their eyes, problem-solving skills means, you must know what happened and must work on it immediately, even without having a plan. I don’t think they care about the person, only the knowledge. It is why, in my country as I heard IT Pro’s have a really hard time working together. Companies make impossible deadlines and expect people to complete them in time. Time management is basically just rushing against the clock week by week. Since we are lacking IT Pro’s, because of the low salaries, responsibilities and exceptions are way higher than they should be.

I don’t think it was always like that. 20 years ago, technology was not that advanced. There was less work, fewer platforms. Work was harder for sure, IT Pro’s had to understand every small detail. How hard is it to write a code in C than in Python? We can’t compare a Python developer to a C developer. It is why I think, nowadays IT guys have a wider range of knowledge, but probably less in the specific field than before. There were fewer professionals in the field, which means they were more valuable and gained more salary.

Which decade’s IT Pro I would be? Well, I am happy to be in a century where autonomous cars and AI are awaits, so I would always choose 2020.


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