Privacy and censorship on the Internet


This week’s exercise was to choose two interesting cases related to privacy and then censorship.
I immediately thought of one example, which was FaceApp.
I understand sharing photos are fun, even in a way necessary. Some of my friends are addicted to post pictures and get likes on social media and then there is me, who is putting out 1 picture every 2nd month to show that I am still alive. I think the perfect line is between these two. I can not explain why, but I think none of the edges is healthy. Back to the story, it was 2019 when everyone started to post pictures about making themselves old and the pictures were incredibly precise. It became a huge trend on the internet. Then, it became public what are the terms that the users are accepting when using this app. Unfortunately, I can not find the link with the exact sentence, but the user is giving unlimited, permanent access to use and manipulate their pictures and be stored on a server.
After all, the CIA stated, “FaceApp is a potential counterintelligence threat.”
Also, It is fine if users do not read the terms that they accept. None of us do. But after this news came out, there are still tons of people that are using FaceApps without any concerns.
That is just not smart at all.

About censorship, I do not have any case but I have a really interesting view.
Even If we don’t want, our world is divided into two sides. Left, and right. I won’t go into politics here, don’t worry. We all know the properties of both sides. However, what is interesting, both of them are stating the same: The other side is making censorship. How is that possible? What they think?

On the right side, we all know there is censorship, like China and most of the East but they are always fingering on the west, that the censorship is also getting stronger there.
Nowadays, especially in the US people can be anything and if someone hurt their feelings, well, bad things can happen. There is no censorship from the government itself, but there is censorship from the people. People cannot write or say what they want because everyone must accept each other. But, it turns that if someone does not accept others, then others won’t accept them either. Can you see the logic here? There is no logic, the only thing that is coming with this thinking is hate. This is what we can see in the whole world now. Everyone is free, but no one can say a single bad word.

I hope you enjoyed my writing for this week!

Dominik Kovacs

The FBI Investigated FaceApp. Here’s What It Found ('s Dangers Are Just The Beginning, Here’s What’s Coming Next (


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