Dominik Kovacs’s Opinions about The Case for Copyright Reform by Rick Falkvinge

Chapter 1;

“The only way to even try to limit file sharing is to remove the right to private communication.”

-          I very much agree with this statement, without looking into the private communications it is impossible to restrict or limit file sharing.

“If people could get access to books for free, authors would not be able to make a living, and no new books would be written.”

-          It seems like they adapted and new books are coming out day by day, fortunately!
Just like Rick writes, it was a wrong argument, but still, it is interesting for me, I never imagined libraries were kind of enemies before.

Chapter 2;

I agree about a reform must come and these bans are actually hurt our rights as the author claims.
It is true that without opening a file it is impossible to know if it should be restricted or not, but the real questions is about who is going to open it. If it is an AI, is it bad or not? Of course, no one will allow any company to check their messages.

About summary:

The Moral Rights must be unchanged, these rules have no problem I think so too.
It is required to be original, to be valid.

Free Non-Commercial Sharing is already a thing in a few countries and I never understood why is it illegal to download a book or some informational video. There is ALWAYS a drawback for those who can’t buy these things from the store. For example, if you download a book, you must read it on your laptop, which is for most people not that convenient. If you download a video, it won’t be online right away when it comes out, it could be in another language or the quality is really bad.
About peer-to-peer files, why can’t I download a movie like 12 Angry Men(1957) from the internet?
Of course, it must remain illegal to download fresh movies. However, here is the thing, just like the author claims. How do they know, what did you download? Manipulating files Is really easy. So we either ban everything like they do now or nothing, which is not a good option.

20 Years Of Commercial Monopoly I didn’t know about these 70 years, but it is a joke. 20 sounds like a good the solution, or at least a better one.

Registration After 5 Years There is nothing much to add here, if you cannot locate the owner, it is probably because he/she did not want to be located. The suggestion would solve the problem, but I think 5 years is too much. If you are proud of your work, you must apply for this database earlier.

Free Sampling This is a really hard topic, what would we consider as a remix and parody? There are already many conflicts between musicians that they change the music just a bit and then they can claim it is their product. I don’t think it is a good idea.

Thank you for reading!


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