
Showing posts from March, 2021

Ergonomics example

Today in my blog I would like to bring you an example, which was a great ergonomics design in a sport called waterpolo and two another devices that were designed by Playstation then became disasters. Before 1956, waterpolo was played with leather ball, which was really slippery and ugly. It was almost impossible to grab it, so players had to hold it from the bottom. [1] After 1956 Olympic, there was a guy called James R. Smith, who redesigned and introduced the new official ball, which was made of a rubber fabric. It improved the performance and the speed of the game, also the ball was not stinky after using it for a while. [2] Maybe it does not sound that big of an invention, but I think many sports was much faster and enjoyable after forgetting leather balls. The wrong example is really funny. Actually, I brought two of them. I can’t believe what was the plan of these designers. Jogcon, [3] was invented to help people at 3d racing games, because there were no cursors on contr...

IT Pro

  IT Pro During the years, being an IT Pro became much easier, because of the tools and resources. I don’t have that much knowledge about what was going on 20 years ago, so I can only guess and compare that guess with nowadays, however, I didn’t meet with many IT Pro’s, so I can’t be sure about it either. In my eyes, the IT Pro is someone who is prepared for everything or at least try their best. It will always have a plan B and will respond fast. It is why, an IT Pro must have great problem-solving skills, which means it knows where to look for help, how to read a document and how to implement these things to solve the problem. Really important, that an IT Pro must be helpful because it is how a company will get more IT Pros one day and that will split the work in the future. An IT Pro should be respectful for the field and with other’s work, while eager to study new things day by day motivated by its passion. To do all these things requires great time management. Something t...

Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea

  Ten Commandments  by Virginia Shea This week’s reading was about the Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea and I think it basically explains everything that we need to know before entering to cyberspace. I have chosen the topic; Know where you are in cyberspace and I would like to share my opinions regarding it. For me, knowing where I am in cyberspace means that I should be able to pick the “language” that I want to use on different websites, communication channels. It is really not the same to be a part of the community in your workplace or a community with your friends where you share your funny videos. In many cases, emojis, abbreviations, and informal language are not acceptable. In other cases, if you use formal language, you will get the opposite effect from others. Both of these cases will have the same effect; People won’t take you seriously. Now that almost everyone has the internet in their pocket, response time is decreasing rapidly. Being part of different...

Dominik Kovacs’s Opinions about The Case for Copyright Reform by Rick Falkvinge

Chapter 1; “The only way to even try to limit file sharing is to remove the right to private communication.” -           I very much agree with this statement, without looking into the private communications it is impossible to restrict or limit file sharing. “If people could get access to books for free, authors would not be able to make a living, and no new books would be written.” -           It seems like they adapted and new books are coming out day by day, fortunately! Just like Rick writes, it was a wrong argument, but still, it is interesting for me, I never imagined libraries were kind of enemies before. Chapter 2; I agree about a reform must come and these bans are actually hurt our rights as the author claims. It is true that without opening a file it is impossible to know if it should be restricted or not, but the real questions is about who is going to open it. If it is a...