Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea


Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea

This week’s reading was about the Ten Commandments by Virginia Shea and I think it basically explains everything that we need to know before entering to cyberspace.
I have chosen the topic;
Know where you are in cyberspace and I would like to share my opinions regarding it.

For me, knowing where I am in cyberspace means that I should be able to pick the “language” that I want to use on different websites, communication channels. It is really not the same to be a part of the community in your workplace or a community with your friends where you share your funny videos. In many cases, emojis, abbreviations, and informal language are not acceptable. In other cases, if you use formal language, you will get the opposite effect from others. Both of these cases will have the same effect; People won’t take you seriously.

Now that almost everyone has the internet in their pocket, response time is decreasing rapidly.
Being part of different communities in cyberspace often require prioritized response time.
If I response fast, I can show that I value this community and I am happy to spare time for them no matter how busy I am. However, if I reply every first or second day, the effect will be the same as last time. They won’t take me seriously.

Lastly, the value of shared information. Depending on the community, the value of my information won’t be the same as in others. There are places in cyberspace where sharing facts, research-based information is highly appreciated, but there are somewhere your information does not bother anyone. Maybe, they won’t even read it because they are too long. We will get the same effect as in my previous two statements.

To be honest, I don’t want to share any of my experiences even if I had many. Learning your place in cyberspace is not something that someone born with, it comes with misunderstandings and conflicts.

Thank you reading my blog post!

Dominik Kovács


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