Pre-web technologies


Pre-web technologies


My second blog post is going to be about two technologies, where one is still in use for a particular reason and another one which is forgotten. Please check the used sources on the bottom.

Processors used in space

I was surprised when I read about the used processors for spacecraft. Everyone would think they have the newest, strongest hardware, however, it is not the truth. “Many of the processors powering essential spacecraft functions now date back to the 1990”s -Joe McKendrick.[1]
When a spacecraft system is being produced, it has to pass many tests and different preparations before it is ready. It can take up YEARS and processing powers on the market can be doubled until tests are done. It is the reason, these spacecraft systems can be safer, but outdated. Let me bring you a few interesting examples: The “Mars Explorer”; curiosity uses a processor called Dual BAE RAD750, which was produced in 2001 and it was launched in 2011. Morpheus was a test craft, which used the same and was launched in 2012, but got a failure and exploded. For me, the most interesting fact was that the International Space Station’s main computer uses an Intel 386i, which was produced back in 1985 and is outdated since 2007. In my point of view, it is promising, that these processors can still function in our decade because it means manufacturers made a really good job. Read more examples from the sources.[2]

While the first technology is still in use and I promised I will give you an example which is forgotten, this technology is still available, however, I am sure no one used it for a while.


I remember when I was a child, I dreamed about getting internet on my TV, then my dad introduced me to “Teletext”. If you don’t remember, it is service for televisions where you could get news and subtitles and tv program guide. It was like a small internet built into the television.
As I mentioned, I wanted internet access on my TV, but a bit later I could watch TV on the Internet, so exactly the opposite. That was the first time when I realized technology won’t develop the way I imagine. After all, Smart TV’s came, but that was not a big deal as watching TV on phone.
So, the first Teletext service was in 1974 (!) by BBC and they provided subtitles for hearing impaired people. Later on, Internet just became more popular and available for everyone, so Teletext’s popularity dropped and BBC stopped it in 2009. There are channels that still provide this service, but when was the last time you used it? I, personally can’t remember.


Dominik Kovacs, 06.02.2021


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