Influence of Instant Messaging

Many things have changed since my use of the first Instant Messaging program.
I would like to examine this topic from my side, how it influenced my social life and behaviour.

I remember when I was a kid, MSN came out and it was HUGE. Just how amazing was that with one email address and password I could reach all of my friends? MSN that time was clean, no addons, in the beginning, you couldn’t even write if your friend was not online. During that time, without a messenger, my friend and I always meet on Thursday in the park to play something. Everyone was there, without late. No messages, no calls, just a predefined time 3 days ago at the same spot.

Then the time passed, Windows Live Messenger came out and I think that was the turning point in my life, when I started to spent way too much time front of the computer. I can still remember, that was the time when “I can’t go” messages started to come. After a while, we preferred to play, so there was Steam. For me, at that time Steam was the number 1 instant messaging app, since I had many friends playing. For voice talk, there was Team Speak 2, my old best friend on push to talk. Still, even that time it was not that easy to know new people, because you couldn’t find random usernames and email addresses to start chat with. ( Who would want it anyway? )

So, for me it was around 2008 when I connected to Facebook. It was impossible to imagine something will beat Windows Live Messenger.
However, slowly Facebook developed and I realized one day that, I have more friends online on Facebook than on MSN. Can you still remember the small cubes on the left side of the page as “online friends?” That was the time when you didn’t even have to go out to get new friends because Facebook started to suggest them.

I have turned 23, but I still have to delete some of my old pals from time-to-time, because unfortunately, I can’t remember some of them. However, a few of them remained. To turn back to the topic, instant messaging had a way to destroy grammar skills. Abbreviations, fast typing was the worst thing for a Primary School student to learn to write. I remember, I always wanted to write on a laptop, because it was much easier and faster. Basically, instant and online messaging made me hate to write on paper.

In a conclusion, It was amazing to live my childhood while Instant Messaging was developed. It brought new friends but could destroy some as well. In a way, our communication developed and became more efficient, but also we started to forget what is writing really like.


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