
Showing posts from February, 2021


  CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBAL INFORMATION SOCIETY REVIEW Pekka Himanen made research about the challenges around information society. This documents examine recent issues that should be taken into consideration by the society and government for their future beneficial development. First, I would like to reflect on a few of the ten main global trends. 1. Estonia, even if I haven’t been living here for a while, is a digital country with promising low taxes for IT companies. For this reason, Estonia became famous for innovation. 3. Population ageing is a valid problem in Europe, especially in the east where the economy is weaker. 5. Bullet point 5 was Pekka’s most important prediction for me since if we look around, we are already in the second phase of the information society. In the 2010s, people started to realize the importance of their data and how the companies are using it. Nowadays social matters in IT are more advanced problems instead of development. 9. Lastly, th...

Influence of Instant Messaging

Many things have changed since my use of the first Instant Messaging program. I would like to examine this topic from my side, how it influenced my social life and behaviour. I remember when I was a kid, MSN came out and it was HUGE. Just how amazing was that with one email address and password I could reach all of my friends? MSN that time was clean, no addons, in the beginning, you couldn’t even write if your friend was not online. During that time, without a messenger, my friend and I always meet on Thursday in the park to play something. Everyone was there, without late. No messages, no calls, just a predefined time 3 days ago at the same spot. Then the time passed, Windows Live Messenger came out and I think that was the turning point in my life, when I started to spent way too much time front of the computer. I can still remember, that was the time when “I can’t go” messages started to come. After a while, we preferred to play, so there was Steam. For me, at that time Steam w...

Pre-web technologies

  Pre-web technologies   My second blog post is going to be about two technologies, where one is still in use for a particular reason and another one which is forgotten. Please check the used sources on the bottom. Processors used in space I was surprised when I read about the used processors for spacecraft. Everyone would think they have the newest, strongest hardware, however, it is not the truth. “Many of the processors powering essential spacecraft functions now date back to the 1990”s -Joe McKendrick. [1] When a spacecraft system is being produced, it has to pass many tests and different preparations before it is ready. It can take up YEARS and processing powers on the market can be doubled until tests are done. It is the reason, these spacecraft systems can be safer, but outdated. Let me bring you a few interesting examples: The “Mars Explorer”; curiosity uses a processor called Dual BAE RAD750, which was produced in 2001 and it was launched in 2011. Morpheus wa...